What is CGPA
Cumulative is aggregative of all semester GPA. That can say as average of the 4 or 8 semesters. CGPA can be calculate at for any number of semesters. This is the most common term spoken for average marks of universities. I stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. CGPA in maximum institutes is the range of jOU, such as from A to F. In some case this detail is printed on back side of DMS. Every institute specified these grade point in different ranges. But commonly this is 4.0 for 90 or above 90% marks. Using this calculator we can convert sgpa to cgpa, because sgpa is average marks of individual or single semester.
Difference between SGPA and CGPA
Both terms are used for calculation of average marks in graduate institutes. In these institutes entire session is divided into chunks of normally 6 months which is called semester. Here SGPA is the average marks of individual semester. As student covers the one after another semesters the accumulative average of all these passed or covered semesters is called SGPA. SGPA is also known as GPA.
How to calculate SGPA
Semester grade pint and CGPA can be calculated using this calculator easily. We have to follow these simple steps.
- Provide subject title, but it is optional in this calculator.
- After subject title select credit hours from drop down menu.
- In last step we have to select grade of this subject.
- After completion of the above steps calculator will automatically calculate SGPA.
- In addition if we we provide the detail of already taken credit hours and CGPA details then this will also calculate CGPA using the current GPA.

How to find CGPA from percentage
CGPA is predefined weighted alphabet or symbol to some average. So that we can convert this GPA grade in reverse to percentage easily. This can be done using DMS (Detailed marks sheet).