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Pregnancy Calculator Week by Week

Pregnancy and Birth Calculation

Weekly growth of Fetus in mother chart during Pregnancy

Week Trimester Baby Milestone

First Trimester

This first week is actually your menstrual period.
Week-2 In these first two week fertilization that is also known as conception. Conception is when mEn sperm fertilize female egg.
Week-3 Baby conceived
Week-4 Pregnancy test positive
Week-5 In this week the neural tube is formed that nerual tube is converted in furture the baby brain and spinal cord.
Week-6 Heartbeat detectable by ultrasound
Week-7 This week will be the development of your baby genitals and bones.
Week-8 In week 8 bones are developed but still soft.
Week-9 In this week baby is about ½ inch in length.
Week-10 Nail and fingers are started to develop.
Week-11 Skin of baby is too thin and soft but bones are getting harder in this week.
Week-12 In this week baby is about 2 inches in height and you cannot feet any about his/her movement.

Second Trimester

Miscarriage risk decreases
Week-14 Taste Buds are developing as well baby can move his/her eyes
Week-15 Baby now can move and some cases it can also flip himself.
Week-16 Eyelids and lips of baby in week 16 developed.
Week-17 In week 17 fats in baby body starts to produce which make it warm, and gives energy.
Week-18 In this week you may contact your doctor for ultrasound. And gender of your baby can be observed.
Week-19 Baby begins making noticeable movements, in this week a clear ultrasound helpful to identify baby gender.
Week-20 In week 20 your baby nail grown and in this week this is about 10 inches in height and about one pound in weight
Week-21 Your baby finger prints and footprint are formed.
Week-22 In this week the baby is able to move his/her eye balls but still eyes are cloded.
Week-23 Baby can hear different sounds and may response these voices.
Week-24 Now baby is grown more than one pound and in this stage muscles starts to grow.
Week-25 In week 25 baby growth begins fast. Now the stage that nervous system is started developing quickly.
Week-26 Melanin substance is developing that is used for making skin color.
Week-27 Baby lungs and nervous system is developing very fast and baby is also making fast movements such as kicking by legs.

Third Trimester

Baby can breathe, No Baby is capable of open and close his/her eyes. In this week weight is about more than 2 pouds.
Week-29 Baby is growing fast in this week and gaining weight so try to use healthy diet.
Week-30 Week 30 the head hair of baby starts to grow. and in this week he/she also get rid from lanugo (The soft hairs that are coving body).
Week-31 In week 31 brain grown at that level that it can control body heat of baby.
Week-32 Body is about 14 inches grown in this week.
Week-33 In these last week that are close to your due date baby gain weight faster than than previous weeks.
Week-34 This week is also important in this week normally baby change hisher position in downward.
Week-35 In this week brain and lungs are still growing.
Week-36 As baby is grown and closer to birth now in that stage baby cannot flip.
Week-37 In this week vital organs of baby are still growing.
Week-38 Still growing lungs and liver.
Week-39 In this 39 week, that is good new your baby is in full term
Week-40 This is time that baby is ready to born.
Week-41 This is the time to get regular contact with your gynecologist.
Week-42 Surely till this week baby will born.

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

During pregnancy it is important to notice the stages of the fetus so that proper diet and checkup from the concerned gynecologist may be proceed. This calculator is all about the different pregnancy stages. It also calculate the estimated due date (EDD), That is the general approximation based on some previous data fetched from the internet and from medical science. In other words this calculation may be different regarding physical conditions.

Limitations of Pregnancy Calculator

This calculator provide just information about the weekly progress/growth of fetus. The outcome may different due to the use of medicine, diet and physical condition of the mother carrying baby. There may also vary the due date of mother that is calculated using this calculator.

Expected Date of Delivery Formula

The expected date of the delivery is calculated using the weeks formula. There is medical science research that a women will birth after 42 weeks when it conceived. This may vary one to two weeks. There is no other mathematical formula this is the growth of fetus in the pregnant woman womb.

conception and due date calculator
Pregnancy and Due Date Calculator

How Pregnancy Estimator Work

Pregnancy estimator just can be used for prior estimate of baby birth. This estimator required to provide last Menstruation date and menstruation days cycle. This prior estimate count 42 weeks from the date provided and provide detail of each week progress.

What is Trimester in Pregnancy

Trimester term is used while monitoring the progress of pregnancy. Trimester is equal to THREE months or approximately 12 weeks. From conception to the baby delivery the entire period is divided into THREE trimesters, 9 months or 42 weeks.
